
ßy KingOfTheRanger l 1829 Koxp l Koxp Yapımı l 1829 Koxp Sorcue l KO Yazı Tipi

Koxp Kodları

Vb 6.0 Koxp Yapimi :


Gerekli Bileşenler : http://rapidshare.com/files/122674112/AutoItX3.dll.html

Linkdeki dll'yi indirip Yerel Disk (C:) ' e atioruz..

Başlat > Çaliştir > Cmd > regsvr32 C:/AutoItx3.dll ' yazip Enter'a basioruz ve karşiniza bu mesaj

çıkacak: DllRegisterServer / D:AutoItX3.dll başaryıla gerçekleştirildi

Daha sonra , vb 6.0 çaliştirip Gelen Pencereden Standart Exe ' yi seçip aç dioruz.

Daha sonra Project sekmesinden References bölümüne gelip AutoItx3 1.0 Type Library ' i işaretleyip

Ok butonuna basiniz..

Forma 1 Adet Timer 2 Adet Button Ekleyip Sağ tıklayarak ' Wiew Code ' diyip aşşağidaki Kodlari


Dim Komut As New AutoItX3Lib.AutoItX3
                              Private Sub From_Load()
                              Timer1.Interval = 100
                              Form1.BorderStyle = 4
                              End Sub
                              Private Sub Command1_Click()
                              Timer1.Enabled = True
                              End Sub
                              Private Sub Command2_Click()
                              Timer1.Enabled = False
                              End Sub
                              Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
                              Komut.Send ("Z") ' Z Yaratik Seç
                              Komut.Send ("3") ' 3 Skill Slot Siz Kaç İsterseniz Onu yapin.
                              End Sub

Ders 2 : Auto Hp / Mp Pot :

Form'a 1 Adet Module Ekleyiniz. Project > Add Module

sekmesinden . Karşiniza tertmemiz bir sayfa cikaracak smile.gif Kodlari oraya yapiştirin...

Option Explicit
              Private Declare Function GetWindowThreadProcessId Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpdwProcessId As Long) As Long
              Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long
              Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
              Private Declare Function ReadProcessMem Lib "kernel32" Alias "ReadProcessMemory" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Any, ByRef lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nSize As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long) As Long
              Private Declare Function WriteProcessMem Lib "kernel32" Alias "WriteProcessMemory" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Any, ByRef lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nSize As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long) As Long
              Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
              Private Const PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS As Long = &H1F0FFF
              Private Const CHR_PTR   As Long = 11976428 '&HB6BEEC
              Public Const SWIFT_OFS  As Long = 1582 '&H62E
              Public Const HP_OFS     As Long = 1428 '&H594
              Public Const MAXHP_OFS  As Long = 1424 '&H590
              Public Const MP_OFS     As Long = 2364 '&H93C
              Public Const MAXMP_OFS  As Long = 2360 '&H938
              Public CHR_ADR As Long
              Private KOHandle As Long
              Public Function CheckKO() As Boolean
              Dim KOpID As Long, tmpL As Long
              On Error GoTo ErrHandle
              GetWindowThreadProcessId FindWindow(vbNullString, "Knight OnLine Client"), KOpID
              KOHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, KOpID)
              If KOHandle = 0 Then GoTo ErrHandle
              CHR_ADR = ReadLong(CHR_PTR)
              tmpL = ReadLong(CHR_ADR + MAXHP_OFS)
              If tmpL = 0 Then GoTo ErrHandle
              CheckKO = True
              Exit Function
              CheckKO = False
              End Function
              Public Function ReadLong(Address As Long) As Long
              Dim Value As Long
              ReadProcessMem KOHandle, Address, Value, 4, 0&
              ReadLong = Value
              End Function
              Public Function WriteLong(Address As Long, Value As Long)
              WriteProcessMem KOHandle, Address, Value, 4, 0&
              End Function
              Public Sub SetAlwaysOnTop(mForm As Form)
              SetWindowPos mForm.hWnd, -1&, 0&, 0&, 0&, 0&, 3&
              End Sub

Kodlarimizi yapiştirdik Form üzerine

8 Adet Label , 1 Adet Check Box , 1 Adet'te Timer

Adlari " Label1 , Label2 , .. gibi sirayla
olsun yeri fark etmez smile.gif

Daha sonra form'a gelerek ' Sağ Tıklama ile Wiew Codes seçeneğine Kodlari yapiştiriniz.

Option Explicit
    Private Sub Check1_Click()
    If Check1.Value = 1 Then
        WriteLong CHR_ADR + SWIFT_OFS, 16320 ' normal speed=16256, swift= 16320, lighfeet=16384
        WriteLong CHR_ADR + SWIFT_OFS, 16256
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim tmpBol As Boolean
    tmpBol = CheckKO
    If tmpBol = True Then
        SetAlwaysOnTop Me
        MsgBox "Start the hack when you are IN GAME!!!", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Error !!!"
        Unload Me
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
    Label2.Caption = ReadLong(CHR_ADR + MAXHP_OFS) 'total hp
    Label4.Caption = ReadLong(CHR_ADR + HP_OFS)    'current hp
    Label6.Caption = ReadLong(CHR_ADR + MAXMP_OFS) 'total mp
    Label8.Caption = ReadLong(CHR_ADR + MP_OFS)    'current mp
    If Check1.Value = 1 Then
        If ReadLong(CHR_ADR + SWIFT_OFS) <> 16320 Then
            WriteLong CHR_ADR + SWIFT_OFS, 16320 ' swift
        End If
    End If
    End Sub
    'Not necesary, its just for put the controls in right place
    Private Sub PosControls()
    Label1.Caption = "Total HP ="
    Label1.AutoSize = True
    Label1.FontBold = True
    Label1.Top = 180
    Label1.Left = 180
    Label2.Caption = ""
    Label2.AutoSize = True
    Label2.Top = Label1.Top
    Label2.Left = Label1.Left + Label1.Width + 50
    Label3.Caption = "Current HP ="
    Label3.AutoSize = True
    Label3.FontBold = True
    Label3.Top = Label1.Top
    Label3.Left = Label1.Left + Label1.Width + 1100
    Label4.Caption = ""
    Label4.AutoSize = True
    Label4.Top = Label1.Top
    Label4.Left = Label3.Left + Label3.Width + 50
    Label5.Caption = "Total MP ="
    Label5.AutoSize = True
    Label5.FontBold = True
    Label5.Top = Label1.Top + Label1.Height + 100
    Label5.Left = Label1.Left
    Label6.Caption = ""
    Label6.AutoSize = True
    Label6.Top = Label5.Top
    Label6.Left = Label2.Left
    Label7.Caption = "Current MP ="
    Label7.AutoSize = True
    Label7.FontBold = True
    Label7.Top = Label5.Top
    Label7.Left = Label3.Left
    Label8.Caption = ""
    Label8.AutoSize = True
    Label8.Top = Label5.Top
    Label8.Left = Label4.Left
    Check1.Caption = "Swift"
    Check1.Height = Label1.Height
    Check1.Width = 640
    Check1.Top = Label5.Top + Label5.Height + 200
    Check1.Left = Label1.Left
    Timer1.Enabled = True
    Timer1.Interval = 100
    Me.Caption = "İlk Koxp'um  ~ forum.exbilgi.com ~ "
    Me.Height = 1600
    Me.Width = 4400
    Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2
    Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2
    End Sub

NOT # Oyuna girmeden Programi çaliştiramassiniz , Herşeyi eksiksiz yaparsaniz 3.Adima Geçin. #

Buraya kadar Hp ve Mp değerimizi gösterebildik , yaptiğimiz form'u eksiksiz olarak yapmiş kabul edip Auto Hp pot bölümüne geçioruz..

Forma 2 Adet Text Box 1 Adet Daha Timer Ekleyip Intevral bölümünü 100 yapiniz ( Yapamyanlar
yukaridaki resimde var )..

       Private Sub From_Load()
       Timer1.Enabled = True
       End Sub
       Private Sub Timer2_Timer ()
       If Label4.Caption < Text1.Text  Then
       Komut.Send ("7")
       End If
       If Label8.Caption < Text2.Text Then
       Komut.Send ("8")
       End If
       End Sub